Saturday, 20 July 2013

Why Would you get a Heta Stove

Why Install a Heta Stove?

Heta Inspire 45

Heta Inspire 40 and Heta Inspire 45

Whilst looking for new stoves to go in our showroom we came across the new Heta Inspire stoves! We instantly fell for this stove and here is why!

The Heta Inspire 40 has many great features! From the 4 KW output to the massive cast iron door with the large window, witch gives a great view of the fire to the direct air connection and built in reciprocating grate that allows for multi fuel use. This stove uses a single lever control that insures precision air control . As for looks, the Heta Inspire 40 stove is a premium quality stove that has a clean and modern style that will look great in almost any fireplace setting.

The Heta Inspire 45 is similar to the Inspire 40 model with a slightly larger output of 4.9 KW. This multi fuel stove had a large cast iron door and has a separate ash pan compartment, witch believe me is helpful. The Inspire 45's other features include a riddling grate, vermiculite lined fire chamber, tertiary air for clean burn performance and a secondary air wash system for keeping the glass clean without effort! The Inspire 45's design is a modern clean one for such a high quality engineered stove!
The Heta Inspire 45 is shown in the picture at the top of the post.

Both these stoves are being put into our showroom soon!

Thank you for spending your time reading our post's 

- The Bradley stoves Team 

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