Saturday, 6 July 2013

Finding free wood for your stove

Finding free wood for your stove

Where are the best places to find free wood?
One of the best places is to pick up fallen branches when out walking as this can be done daily and you can add regularly to your wood supply. There are many varieties of trees, some of which will burn quick and some that slumber well. Beware when taking fallen timber that this may not be seasoned containing 45% moisture (seasoned would be 20-25% moisture content).To identify seasoned wood check the folowing. Seasoned wood is brittle and very light internally. There are generally cracking marks and it sounds quite dull when knocked against other timber.

There are quite a few other places to find free timber such as the following.

freecycle is a good source
tree surgeons (however most now sell their wood on)
woodmanufacturers such as kitchen makers
general builders as burning wood on sites now is not acceptable
friends who are clearing their garden
business who have a lot of pallets

Freecycle is a very good source as there are always people advertising wooden items for free just beware treated timbers as these should not be burnt on a woodburning stove as you would not be able to shut down the stove and it could damage your appliance. There are other websites that are similar which you could search for on your search engine?

Tree surgeons used to be a really good source of wood as the smaller products they will happily leave. Unfortunately most tree surgeons sell or use the wood themsleves so you will have to be lucky or be friends with one to get a good regular supply.

Wood manufacturers such as kitchen makers are still a very good supply of free wood. We often pick up waste products from our local kitchen maker and we used to also source oak from an oak cabinet and table maker. The pieces are scrap to them and they have far more than they can use.

Skips are always a good source if you are happy to ask the owner if you can take away.

General builders and sites may or may not let you as there are many laws now governing waste products and lisences for carrying them. I would advise if you see a site starting work, pop in and see the site foreman and ask him or her and hopefully you will get a years supply!!!

Friends who are clearing their garden are alway good for free wood (if they dont have a woodburner themselves). Last year one of my best friends had 2 dead trees taken down and I went in with a chain saw and took both away for him. He didnt have to pay to remove and I got free wood.

Business that have a lot of pallett deliveries are also a good source because most wont have the storage area and will be happy for you to take a few away. Some sell on their palletts and also be aware of nails and painted or treated surfaces.

When you collect wood try and ensure you can keep this product in a log store area (a covered roof with slatted sides and pallets for base works well). There are lots of purpose made log stores available on the market (please see ) but it is realtively easy to make one yourself.

There are laws regarding taking fallen timber so please consult your local council for their regulations on this as they will vary from differnet parishes and councils. 

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