Saturday, 6 July 2013

The Featured Stove of the Week! 06/07/13

The Jetmaster 60f

The Jetmaster 60f has 3 different styles, without legs, short legs and long legs. It also comes in almond.
The 6.9 KW output will keep you warm on a cold day and the "air curtain" will keep the glass clean so that you can get a great view of the fire. Another  great feature is that this stove is carbon efficient, this can save over 180 KG of carbon produce yearly witch reduces your home's carbon footprint significantly.
The size of the Jetmaster 60f is 608x540x335mm This is a medium sized stove made to suit a larger room. 

1 comment:

  1. Check out this stove on our online shop,

    this has been a very popular model in the last few months because of its beautiful design and its excellent control
